
The section contains the most interesting and complex solutions implemented by OpenSCADA. More detailed list of the solutions based on OpenSCADA you can get by Opens external link in new windowthe link. However, the detailed list is not exhaustive and mainly contains the work done by the OpenSCADA project team and users who decided to publish their work.

If you have your own implementation based on the OpenSCADA solutions and wish for them to say, then you can yourself place them in the knowledge base at the conditions, as this Wiki, with further possibility of publishing here.


Wednesday 01. November 2017

Service procedures library

Library of the service procedures of different application.

Version: 1.2

License: GPLv2

Author: Roman Savochenko

Founded: November 2017

Initially created: in the old Wiki

Used by: different OpenSCADA processes[more]

Friday 01. July 2016

Low level sensors and chips library

Library of templates to provide access to device's data of the low-level buses.

Version: 1.4

License: GPLv2

Author: Roman Savochenko, Arcadiy Kisel (2017)

Founded: Jul 2016

Initially created: in the old Wiki

Used by: the smart house projects[more]

Sunday 17. April 2016

ACS of the ball drum mills BDM 287/410 of the boiler #7,8,9 of BKZ 160–100 PT

  • 2016-11-23: service #5
  • 2015-12-22: finished for BDM8
  • 2010-08: finished for BDM7,9

Founded: Jul 2009 for BDM7,9; 26 Jun 2015 for BDM8

Members: Roman Savochenko, Maksim Lisenko (2009-2010), DIYA Ltd

Description: Automation Control System (ACS) of loading two ball drum mills "BDM 287/410" of boilers #7, 8, 9

Location: Ukraine, Kramatorsk city, CHP

Customer: Limited liability company (Ltd) "Kramatorskteploenergo", Osipov Jury Mikolajevich

Initially created: in the old Wiki[more]

Sunday 17. April 2016

ACS of Phosphating, Amination and Hydrazine of boiler BKZ 160–100 PT

  • 2016-11-23: service #5
  • 2015-12-14: service #4
  • 2015-12: finished for the continuous blowing
  • 2015-11-17: service #3
  • 2015-07-29: service #2
  • 2015-03-10: service #1
  • 2014-12: finished

Founded: October 2013

Members: Roman Savochenko, DIYA Ltd

Description: Automation Control System (ACS) of Phosphating, Amination, Hydrazine, Continuous blowing of the boiler's water of boilers BKZ 160–100 PT №6,7,8,9

Location: Ukraine, Kramatorsk city, CHP

Customer: Limited liability company (Ltd) "Kramatorskteploenergo", Osipov Jury Mikolajevich

Initially created: in the old Wiki[more]

Sunday 08. March 2015

The conception of the data accessing by a user protocol

Founded: January 2010

Members: Roman Savochenko

Description: Next level, based on the Logical Level, is a conception of accessing the data by a user protocol, implemented whether directly into the template code or as a different User Protocol object into the Protocol.UserProtocol module, where you currently may also use the DAQ-templates.

Thursday 01. August 2013

АСК ”Автоклавы"

Наименование: Автоматизация процесса контроля технологических режимов автоклавов при производстве силикатного кирпича

Разработчик: Шадюк Виктор

Изготовитель (партнер): ООО "Айстрим" DVV_61 at mail.ru, icestream at bk.ru

Завершен: 2013г[more]

Friday 08. February 2013

OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК нефтебазы

Наименование: Использование OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК на нефтебазе филиала «Восточный» ОАО «Красноярскнефтепродукт»

Заказчик: ОАО "Красноярскнефтепродукт"

Генеральный Подрядчик: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск"

Субподрядчик: ООО "Квант"

Разработчик проекта АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск"

Изготовитель и поставщик оборудования АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг"

Завершен: декабрь 2012г

Автор статьи: ведущий инженер АСУТП Кучерявый Р.О. («ТРЭИ-Холдинг», филиал «ТРЭИ-Красноярск»)

Описание: система предназначена для непрерывного измерения и контроля состояния окружающей технологические установки газовой среды на территории нефтебазы и является по своей сути системой противоаварийной сигнализации (ПОС)[more]

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